TVIPS has launched its newly developed Universal Scan Generator (USG) which allows to control up to eight TEM deflection coils or lenses with user-defined parameters directly in combination with synchronized image acquisition. The USG features 8 analog input/output channels (±10 Volt, 16 bit) and 64 digital input/output channels.

Thanks to its universal design the USG device is suitable for different applications:


Most TEM types can be retro-fitted with the USG device. In case of a TEM without internal scan generator, beam and image shifts are performed by controlling the deflection coils directly (above and below the specimen).

  • Simultaneous acquisition of BF, DF, HAADF images (single or continuous mode)
  • Up to 16k × 16k pixels image sizes
  • Recording of individual Ronchigrams
  • Input for camera synchronization signal
  • AC synchronization
  • Powerful image acquisition and processing software

See also EM-Scan for more information!

STEM Tomography
  • Dynamic focusing
  • Linear contrast: The Bragg contribution of crystalline specimen can be reduced
  • Increased focal depth by means of nearly parallel illumination: Specimens up to 1 micron thickness can be studied (± 70 degree)
  • Low dose tomography using a navigator tool
  • Less radiation damage compared to conventional TEM

USG Illustration

Precession Diffraction Tomography (S/TEM)
  • Reduced dynamical effects (close to kinematical theory)
  • Increased number of reflections in reciprocal space compared to conventional diffraction
  • 3D Pivoting Diffraction: Leading to recording intensities of the whole reciprocal space of a single crystal under low dose conditions, e.g. for protein crystallography
  • Powerful automatic image acquisition and processing software
  • Automatic calibration procedure

See also EM-Conos for more information!

Dark Field Orientation Map Tomography

As a recently developed non-destructive technique*, the DFOM is utilized for 3D grain-oriented mapping in polycrystalline specimens with a spatial resolution down to 1nm. Thereby, a series of conical-scanning dark field images are acquired as function of stage tilt automatically. Typical settings parameter are:

  • Stage tilt range: ± 60 degree, 1 degree incr.
  • Beam tilt range: 360 images per ring, 10 rings
  • Up to 400.000 images taken in a few hours

See also EM-DFOM for more information!