TVIPS offers sophisticated image acquisition and processing software packages for specific tasks in electron microscopy. Our product spectrum covers software solutions for image acquisition, video recording for in situ experiments, automated data collection for tomography and single particle work as well as acquiring EFTEM-image series and energy loss spectra.
EM-MENU supports different remote controls for reading the TEM parameters and controlling the TEM in its main functions. The versatile and flexible user interface allows efficient data acquisition and image processing.
EM-Spectro facilitates acquisition of single images or series and advanced data analysis of energy loss filtered images (EFTEM) and electron energy loss spectra (EELS) operating in TEM or STEM mode. The user friendly interface of EM-Spectro enables an intuitive and comfortable operation in both imaging and spectroscopy mode.
TVIPS provides a wide range of additional tools for various applications to perfectly fit your needs.
Pivoting Diffraction Tomography (TEM) and Precession Diffraction Tomography (S/TEM)
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM)
EM-SCAN can be used for all kinds of electron microscopes (JEOL, FEI, Zeiss) with or without internal scan generator.